Female Transformational Leadership and its influence on Psychosocial Risks in the pharmacies of the Historic Center of Puebla
Psychosocial risks, transformational leadership, sales staff, pharmacies in the Historic Center of PueblaAbstract
The purpose was to identify outstanding psychosocial risks in the sales staff of the pharmacies of the Historic Center of Puebla through the diligence of the Nom 035 Reference Guide III questionnaire that evaluates: organizational environment and level of psychosocial risk; This was applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 2 sales study subjects from each of the 84 study units.
The data were examined with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), obtaining internal consistency reliability of 0.859 Cronbach's alpha. The analysis was with descriptive and inferential statistics and resulted in 2 findings with a high level of psychosocial risk: the workday and the insufficient sense of belonging and job instability, answering the research question and hypotheses proven in the discussion section. Because of this, transformational leadership is proposed so that the women of these pharmacies guide their work in reducing the risks detected.
This contributes to the analysis of working conditions of pharmaceutical personnel. Qualitative follow-up of this research is recommended to understand why women prevail in these centers or what draws their attention to study this sector.
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