Empresario. Pequeña Empresa. Personalidad. Iniciativa. Innovación y Comportamiento.Abstract
RESUMEN: El empresario es una figura importante en toda sociedad, con su talento y recursos económicos, contribuye a dinamizar la economía. Diversos economistas han destacado la importancia del empresario en una sociedad: Schumpeter que lo considera innovador y fuente del cambio; para Keynes visionario que mantiene la rueda del crecimiento; Hayek lo define como un elemento importante en el funcionamiento de los mercados. A los empresarios los caracteriza un agudo sentido de observación de necesidades insatisfechas, que con su iniciativa, creatividad, conocimientos y experiencia traducen en productos o servicios que facilitan las actividades del ser humano, contribuyendo a una vida agradable. Todo empresario exitoso es un emprendedor, ya que su negocio perdura y se consolida en un entorno dinámico y él aprovecha los cambios como áreas de oportunidad y genera riqueza. En México existen creencias en torno a las características del empresario de la pequeña empresa expresadas en el discurso teórico pero pocas investigaciones empíricas que hablen de su realidad. Es importante identificar las fortalezas y debilidades de los empresarios de la pequeña empresa; en su personalidad, como directivo y en sus relaciones interpersonales para encontrar la forma de orientarlos, con la finalidad de disminuir la mortandad de organizaciones. ABSTRACT: The businessman is a very important character in every society. By his talent and economical resources he contributes to invigorate the economy. Several economists have emphasized the importance of the entrepreneur in a society: Schumpeter considers him as innovative and source of change; for Keynes, he is a visionary who maintains the growth circle; Hayek considers him as an important element in the markets operation. The entrepreneurs are characterized by a strong sense of observation of the unsatisfied needs, and through his initiative, creativity, knowledge and experience, they convert them into goods or services that ease the activities of the human being, contributing to a pleasant life. A successful businessman is an enterprising man, because his business remains and is consolidated in a dynamic environment of the economy, taking advantage of the changes by considering them as opportunity areas in order to create wealth. In Mexico, there are beliefs around the small businessmen’s characteristics that are explained in the theoretical discourse but there are just a few empiric researches related to their reality. It is very important to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the small businessmen, in their personality, as directors, and in their interpersonal relationships in order to find the way to guide them, with the intention to reduce the companies’ mortality.Downloads
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