Financial strategies of organizations based on regression analysis: The case of the Balcázar clinic




Econometrics, Financial analysis, Clinic, Podiatry, Investment



OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the opportunities that the application of regression analysis has in the formulating of financial strategies into organizations, particularly those dedicated to clinical podiatry.


MATERIAL AND METHOD: Field research in the podiatric clinic "Balcazar" to know the economic situation of the business and get the collecting financial data necessary for the statistical-econometric analysis, and subsequently, a financial viability analysis.


RESULTS: The microenterprise has excellent incomes in relation to its costs and expenses for the support and growth of the business, generating sufficient profits to start future investment projects without care of economic waste and enjoyment of the same profits


CONCLUSIONS: The business has a fully high profitability, given both the experience in the field by the owner of the podiatric clinic with union of its extensive client portfolio and constant recommendations about its excellent service.


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Author Biographies

  • Aarón Alonso Bocanegra Broca, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

    Egresado de la Licenciatura en Economía. 

  • Luis Manuel Hernández Govea, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

    Doctor en Educación. 

  • José Ramón Vidal Suárez, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

    Maestro en Administración Pública. 


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How to Cite

Bocanegra Broca, A. A., Hernández Govea, L. M., & Vidal Suárez, J. R. . (2024). Financial strategies of organizations based on regression analysis: The case of the Balcázar clinic. HITOS DE CIENCIAS ECONÓMICO ADMINISTRATIVAS, 30(88), 274-292.