Strengthening leadership skills to improve personal and professional performance: Perceptions of a group of parataxonomists in an environmental NGO
Leadership, Organizational sustainability, Parataxonomist, Skills, NGOAbstract
Introduction: The present study focuses on the development of leadership skills in parataxonomists of an NGO dedicated to environmental conservation in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The optimization of work is essential for the success and sustainability of the organization, seeking to improve personal and professional performance by strengthening sustainable leadership skills, communication, collaboration and digital literacy. Objectives: To recognize the importance of sustainable leadership in optimizing the performance of parataxonomists and to identify existing leadership skills. Methodology: A qualitative approach was used with action research as the main method. Semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire were used with parataxonomists. Results: Results show staff motivation and proactivity, but also room for improvement in terms of commitment and respect for boundaries. Communication and collaboration need to be improved. Digital literacy in mobile devices is adequate, but there are difficulties with software and hardware. Conclusions: Sustainable leadership is crucial at all NGO levels, especially for parataxonomists. Empathetic and transformational leadership need to be strengthened, and positive attitudes and outlooks need to be improved. Recommendations: Continue to develop leadership skills, improve communication and collaboration, and strengthen digital literacy. These actions will optimize the performance of the parataxonomists, benefiting the organization and the environment.
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