Water shortage, Day zero at UNEVE: Towards the strengthening of water saving consciousness
Shortaje, Water, CultureAbstract
The existence of the hydrological problem is having great global repercussions as well as in the case of Mexico and the various federal entities that make it up, such as the State of Mexico, specifically the municipality of Ecatepec de Morelos, where the Universidad Estatal del Valle de Ecatepec (UNEVE) is located. UNEVE’s educational offering includes seven graduate and two postgraduate degrees. Humanidades-Empresa, which is carrying out this research work, takes into consideration the ODS recommendations in its study plan. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the fulfillment of objective 6 “Clean water and sanitation”, given that the municipality where the institution is located has had the problem of water shortage for several years now.
The measures that need to be implemented to avoid waste and shortages require the involvement of everyone, to present proposals and solutions. The results of this research show the interest of students, teachers, administrative and management staff in participating. This is an element that favors the generation of actions aimed to improve the consciousness of water saving and will allow this idea to be transferred to other educational divisions and administrative areas, so that it can be extended among the society.
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